Türk Kültürü ve Sanatı ; Turkish Culture and Art - Edebiyat Bende

Türk Kültürü ve Sanatı ; Turkish Culture and Art

Safavi, Avşar, Kıpçak, Memluk, Avar, Hun, Selçuk, Osmanlı, Akkoyunlu, Artuklu, Kaçar, Babür, Zengi, Hazar, Karakoyunlu, Beylikler ve daha hatırlayamadığım bir çok Türk boylarının ve devletlerinin sanatı ile İslam Sanatı altında gösterilen, ama Türklere ait olan sanat eserlerini, Avrupa ve diğer ülkelerin müzeleri "Türk Kültürü ve Sanatı" altında sergilerlerse, Avrupalılara sıcak basar ve dudakları uçuklar :) Üstüne diğer Türk devletleri; Azerbaycan, Kazak, Kırgız, Türkmen, Özbek, Türkistan, Uygur, Yakut, Hakasya, v.s. ile MÖ dönemi Türklerini, Sakalar gibi, de eklersek .. Çok büyük bir kültür açığa çıkar, ki "Kültür ve Sanat açısından Hasta bir Avrupa" ile karşı karşıya kalırız... Aspirin var mı?... 

Niye mi dedim bunları? British müzesinde İskitler sergisi var: "İskitler için İrani dilli" dediler! Müzelerdeki sanat eserlerine boy adları konuluyor, ama halk onların Türk olduklarını bilmiyor. Hatta bazılarına Pers, bazılarına da hiçbir etnik adı yazmıyorlar. Bazılarını da İslam kategorisi altında sunuyorlar. Bu yaptıkları tamamen yanlıştır ve buna "ayrımcılık" denir.


Two soldiers with tensioned bow and arrows, and standing back to back, symbolizing proto-Türkic oğ/oq/ok arrow tamga (mark) (clan, tribe, people, i.e. Oğuz). By Elşad (Elshad) Alili / Institution of Linguistics, Azerbaijan
#Scythians #Turks #Turkic

If the European and the other states museums exhibited the art of; Safavids, Avshar, Kipchak, Mamluk, Avars, Huns, Seljuks, Ottomans, Akkoyunlu (White Sheep Turkomans), Artuqids, Kachars, Babur (Mughal), Delhi, Zengids, Khazars, Karakoyunlu (Black Sheep Turkomans), Anatolian Principalities and the art of more I can not remember, which belongs to a lot of Turkish tribes and states; and more art which are under the category of Islamic Arts, but those who belongs to the Turks; if these arts comes under the "Turkish Culture & Art", Europeans shall have a problem, like getting hot :) On top of that, if we add the other Turkish states like; Azerbaijan, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Uzbek, Uyghurs, Sakha (Yakuts), Khakassia and others, plus the Turks from BC times like; Sacae (Scythians) art, and of course more tribes from BC times; all of these brings a huge Turkish Culture, that shall give the Europeans a culture shock and they will faced "a sick Europeans, in terms of culture and art"... Do you have aspirin?... 

Why did I say that? There is a exhibition in the British museum: they said "Scythian language is iranian"! Artifacts in these museum in the names of tribes, which the citizens don't know that they Turks. Some of these artifacts are in Persian and some don't have a culture "ethnic" name. And some are under the "İslamic Category" listed. What they are doing are completely wrong and called as "discrimination".


Şimdi gelelim British Müzesinin açmış olduğu hashtag'li Scythians hesabının altındaki cevaplarıma... 
(bazılarına sansür bile uyguladı!)

My answers to British Museum (which some was censored!)

One from #Scythians period, 3 from Gokturks period Tashbaba (Stonefather)
Scythians are Turkic, and not İranian!.. @britishmuseum

My other answer to British Museum on youtube:

"Scythians are Turkic, İranian did not and do not drink mare's milk, and don't bury their deads with horses! and only the Turkish tribes continued the culture of stone statue : Tashbaba (Taşbaba/Balbal) on Kurgans. Even the word "Kurgan" is Turkish. link

Not a single Greek, Latin (Roman), Byzantine, Arab or Persian author ever claimed that the Scythians spoke Persian (İranian) language!..

Turkic Scythians by Gahraman Gumbatov: link

Even the Kurgan in Ukraine is OGUZ, like the Oğuz Turks. : Курган Огуз : link

Stone Statue "Tashbaba (Taşbaba)" #Scythians - 5th c BC /Ukraine; The #Turkic Khaganate (Gokturks)- 6th-8th c AD/Altai&Kazakhstan; Kipchak-Cuman #Turks -12th c AD/Ukraine. Tashbaba represent the leader, 
who holds an Oath Cup in his hand.

"..a number of Central Asian Turkic tribes, known as Sakas in India and #Scythians in West, came to Hindustan and 
settled down there." - K.Gajendra Singh

"Carthasis" was not the name of Scythian kings brother, who met Alexander the Great, it was the word himself ; "Kardeşi" (kardaschi) - meaning: Brother. #Scythians are #Turkic people and spoke Turkish.
Source: Eugen Oberhummer - Die Türken und das Osmanische Reich (page 25)

The national drink of the #Scythians was 'koumiss'-Mare's milk;  a #Turkic people Kyrgyz here, is getting milk. 
İranian did/do not drink koumiss!.. Scythians=Turkic.

In #Amazons film they used Pazyryk (ety.Turkish+belongs to Turkish tribes) style 5th c BC, but stirrups was not invented till the 6th c AD by the Turks!. Amazons were called by the #Scythians as Oerpata, etymology Turkish: Er=Man+Pata=Killer. Amazons=Scythians=Turkish Tribes.

Double-Edged Knife "AKiNAK" i.e. KiNGiRAK / Saka (i.e. #Scythians)- #Turks. 7th c BC. Arzhan II-Tuva . Tr. Kingirak, with silent ğ > kinirak, qïŋïraq, "a double-edged knife","the oldest Turkish word on record" - N.Kisamov.

#Scythians =Huns= #Turks -BOW & PARTHİAN SHOT,i.e. TURKİSH SHOT
Parthians, are a Scythian/Sacae Tribe.  #Turkic
Turkish Culture&Art continues, before and after christ, never changed. Bow, Style, Horses, Warriors. 
We do not see this continuity among other nations...

At şeklinde altın riton, MÖ.3.yy, İskit-Türk 
Horse shaped gold rhyton, 3rd c BC, #Scythians #Turks #Turkic
İskitler, şarabı sek olarak içerdi-"İskit usulü".
Scythians drink their wine undiluted-"Scythian style" (Podskif).

2600-year-old Issyk Inscription.Two lines of Saka inscription that changed view on the history of the Türkic people. by Elshad Alili, Institution of Linguistics, Azerbaijan
and there is one more inscriptions, which was read as "Ak-Maral"
#Scythians #Turks #Turkic

Double Headed Eagle. Saka (i.e. #Scythians) #Turks, at the end of the 7th c BC, Arzhan II, Tuva. Arzhan proves that Scythians are not under the influence of "Greek Art". Tuvans-Tuvinians are #Turkic people.

"The Europe-centered researchers describe the Sacae (#Scythians) as the predecessors of the İranians, but in fact they are the ancestors of the Turkic peoples." (more in Kazak Turkish)
 #Turks #Turkic

Avrupa merkezli araştırmacılar Sakaları (İskitleri) İranlıların atası olarak nitelendiriyor, fakat aslında onlar Türk halklarının atasıdır. Son yıllarda, Avrupa merkezli araştırmacıların çalışmalarını inceleyenler, bunların çok fazla hata içerdiğini ve bilimsel dayanağı olmadığını kanıtladı. Tarihsel veriler, destan-efsaneler, etno-kültürel kimlik, arkeolojik ve dil açısından antik dönem Sakaların torunlarının Türkler olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.

Türkolog, Altaist, Filoloji, L.N.Gumilev Üniversitesi, Kemal Atatürk Tarih Kurumu Üyesi, Uluslararası Cengiz Han Akademisi Üyesi, Uluslararası Türk Kurultay Üyesi

The Europe-centered researchers describe the Sacae (Scythians) as the predecessors of the İranians, but in fact they are the ancestors of the Turkic peoples. In recent years, those who study the work of Europe-centered researchers, have proven that they contain too many mistakes and are not scientific proofs. Historical datas, legends-myths, archaeological, ethno-cultural identity and linguistic resources revealed that the descendants of ancient Sacae' are the Turks.

Turkolog-Altaist-Philology Scientist, Director of the Turkic Studies at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU), Member of Kemal Atatürk Historical Society, International Genghis Khan Academy, the International Turkish Kurultay (Academy).

So, Scythians (Sacae) are NOT İranian speakers,
they are Turkish speakers!

öteki müzelerden bazı örnekler bir sonraki sayfada...
some other examples from other museums on the next page...

Neden Türk Kültürü ve Medeniyeti Denmez?

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