Hun dönemi 1500 yıllık Eyer - Edebiyat Bende

Hun dönemi 1500 yıllık Eyer

1500 yıllık gümüş eyer süsü - Hun dönemi / Kazakistan
Kazakistan'ın Hazar Denizi kıyısında 2016'da 120 hektarlık bir kurgan kompleksi bulunmuştu.

Attila (Atilla), more frequently referred to as "Attila the Hun", 
was the ruler of the Turkic Huns from 434 until his death in 453. 
He was leader of the Hunnic Empire in Europe, which stretched from the Ural River to the Rhine River 
and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea.
Attila's Hun and Touman (2nd c BC, Teoman) and his son Maodun (Mete Han)'s Xiongnu are related.

An other burial complex of Huns and Turkish inscriptions in Baishin Uzuur
Bumbag Khairkhan Mountain - Mongolia
"Xiongnu* burials and a group of Turk** burials" 

Turkish İnscriptions i.e. Orkhon (Turkish) Alphabet
* "Xiongnu" = Asian Huns = Turkish Tribe
** "Turk" means here Turkish Khaganate (Göktürk) period.
Both are in the same ethnic: Turk.
But they separated at the link below.

"Baishin Uzuur and Doloot (Bronze Age, Xiongnu and Turk)
These two sites, also newly documented in 2006, are found in the low foothills of Bumbag Khairkhan Mountain nearby the oasis-like green pocket of valleys stretching from Darvi sum to Khar Us Lake and Khovd city. Doloot contains a group of Xiongnu burials and a group of Turk burials next to two large stone enclosures which may be the remnants of a nomad winter camps. Numerous Bronze Age and Iron Age ceramic sherds can be found on the ground surface around both these sites. Baishin Uzuur Hill is topped with rock crags carved with Turkish runes, and flanked on one side by dozens of Xiongnu circular burials and on the other side by two Bronze Age graves." : link

More about the Huns N.Kisamov's link
Terminology in (Western) Classical Literature of THE HUNS:
φρουροί, φρυνοι, φρυροι, Γρυνοι, φαυνοι (Strabo, born 63 or 64 BC, died ca. 24 AD)
Huni, Phuni, Thuni (Pliny the Elder, 23 – 79 AD)
ουννοι, ωνοι, ωοννοι, θουννι, θουνοι (Dionisius Periegetus, before 138 AD)
φαυνοι  (Kalman Nemeti: “earliest and most stable form of spelling“)
Chuni, Phuni, Thuni, Funi (P.Orosius, c. 385–420)
Unnus, Thynus, Thinus, Thymus (Priscus of Panium, before 474 AD)
χγη/φυη, ουννοι, θουννοι (Eustathius of Thessalonica, ca. 1110 - 1198, describing Scythian tribe of Uns (ουννοι) or θουννοι, states that spelling “should be “ουννοι“ without θ
Hins, Hons, Süns (E.European Türkic languages)
Karmichion, Chion,. Chionite, Huna, Akhun, Küsün/Kushan
Huns, Huna, Hyon, Hsiung-nu, Hiung-nu, Xiong Nu, Xiahou, Xionites, Khuni, Chuni, Chyon, Suni, Sunni, Sünnu/Sunnu, Shunnu, Hunny, Gunny, Un, Unni, Khionites, Onogundurs, Onogur, Utigur, Hunnogurs, Hunnugurs, Hungars, Hungurs, Kuturgur, Kutrigur, Ultzindurs, Ultzingurs, Baranjar, Balanjar, Chue, Chumi, Chumuhun, Shato, Os, Ovs, Ephtalite, Hephthalite, White Huns, Red Huns, Karmichion, Karmikhion, Uygurs, [Uange, Bugu/Pugu, Bayegu/Baiyrku, Tunlo/Tongra, Sygye (Uygur tribes)], Seyanto (Sir + Yanto), Kibi, Tele/Tiele/Dubo/Tubalar/Dabo, Guligan/Kurykan (Yakuts), Dolange (Telengits), Husye, Higye, Adye/Eduz, Baysi/Barsil, Hunno-Bulgars, Guifang, and other variations

Huns have 24 clans (just like the Oghuz-SB), some of them: Kuyan (Jack rabbit), Lan (Orchard), 
Yui/Yuy/Syui/Sui/SuySui/Hui/Suybu (West Tribe) = Uigur, Suylyanti, Tsulin, Taychi, Uyti, Tsetszuy, Bayan
Ulohon/Uloxeu/Ulohu (Ulug Hun, Great Huns) [Улухонь/Улохэу/Улоху (Улуг Хун, Большие Хуны)]


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